Monday, 8 July 2013

BBA NEWS: What's with the beef?

Feature: What's with the beef?
There's so much beef in the House right now. Pokello and Feza haven't been seeing eye to eye and though Feza has been insisting that she has nothing against Pokello, the signs are contrary.

Pokello is certain that Feza Swapping her to the Diamond House was predetermined and she wanted her as far away from Elikem as possible. Really?

Well, Feza and Elikem had some kind of deal to keep each other away from their 'lovers'but it seems as though when it was Elikem's turn to return the favour, Feza's man Oneal didn't take it kindly.

Did we mention that Feza also put up Pokello for possible Eviction in Sulu's stead - was that also Elikem's idea Feza? Well, the Tanzanian lass says none of this has been malicious and she has nothing against Pokello.

However, Pokello hasn't made it a secret that the two have a score to settle. How soon will it be before the weaves start flying? Oops! they both have short hair. Pokello has concluded that Feza is just intimidated by her style and good looks. Ouch!

Selly and Beverly also have their own tiff. Whatever went wrong here? We remember back in the day how selly tried convincing LK4 to cut Beverly some slack and get rid of Koketso. The two were thick as thieves then but it seems the tide has turned. According to Selly, Beverly doesn't like her at all. "Some girls wish they were in my shoes. It's not my fault that I'm sexy and boys like me," the playful Ghanaian chirped.

Natasha has also spit fire following Elikem's derogatory and insultive allegations towards her. She swore that Elikem and his babe gossip about her thinking that she is asleep but she was taking it in her stride.

We also see a silent war between Oneal and Elikem. Though they would never admit it, the guys seem to be having a hush hush competition. Oneal would hardly let it slide that Elikem and his girl Feza were tight during the initial weeks of The Chase.

Does this mean that the guys have no beef with each other or are they trying to be civil?

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