Few days ago, a supposed male version and response to
I Wish done by a new act who goes by the stage name
SaShay Gaan
surfaced on-line and appeared on major Music Blogs. It's coming in a
year after Waje released her own version and in a way revived the
original song. Waje had a good dose of the song and later came on
Twitter to confess that she welcomed the song. She tweeted: "
My fav i wish cover" alongside with a download link to the song.

The song which is said to be produced by SaShay himself. Though I was
expecting the song to be beefing the International Act, it turned out to
be a well made song with a catchy chorus and nice lines. Get the the
two versions below and Listen to it and you'll know why Waje welcomed
this song.
I WISH (Original)
I WISH (Cover)
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