Thursday, 11 July 2013

[BBA News]: The horny side of life

News: The horny side of life

It seems Maria was right when she revealed how many of the Chasemates are struggling to keep it together because they haven't had any nookie since their Chase began.

Sulu revealed as much in a conversation with Oneal and Angelo in the Ruby lounge this afternoon. Sulu lays the blame squarely on Selly's shoulders. "If only Selly was sleeping in my bed. I swear it would be better", he said, as he pined for the sexy Ghanaian - who has unfortunately shot Sulu down many times in the past.

Angelo, who got a sensational kiss from Beverly on Saturday evening following the Channel O party, seemed super amused by Sulu's comedic musings. Oneal then took it upon himself to put everything into perspective for his fellow Ruby homies. "Maybe with the right amount of alcohol", he said, prompting laughter all round.

Explains why Sulu’s been hounding Selly so much.

Annabel , Cleo, Melvin , Natasha, Pokello and Selly are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote now to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.

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