Thursday, 11 July 2013

[BBA News]: Sulu's web of lies

News: Sulu's web of lies

After Selly told Sulu "You need to stop listening to these evil people in this House", Sulu found Natasha and told her Selly had directed that statement at her.
During the epic fight between Sulu and Selly, Natasha had been taking a bath and missed most of it.

An incensed Natasha then approached Selly, seeking clarity on why she had called her evil. Selly got angrier because she hadn't mentioned anyone’s name when she made the statement. "Why would you tell Natasha I was directing what I said at her", she asked. Sulu just laughed it off and denied having told Natasha this. "I didn't tell you that Natasha. When did you say she's evil", he asked.

An angry Selly then spilled the proverbial beans and told Natasha, as Sulu looked on, how the Zambian had gossiped about her. "Sulu, you told me Natasha has been saying bad things about me". Of course Sulu denied this as well, prompting Selly to tell him "I really am shocked by you Sulu".

Sulu then started laughing hysterically and went off on a tangent about him being more handsome than Nando. "I'm a good looking guy also. People were surprised that someone like Dillish picked me over everyone else at some point", he said. The conversation then spiraled into a long 'he said, she said' that promptly ended when Selly sought Elikem, who was chilling with Pokello in the Jacuzzi. What are your thoughts on this situation?

Annabel , Cleo, Melvin , Natasha, Pokello and Selly are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote now to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.

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